Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Little Payback

Well, thanks to Jay Anderson for coming down from Eau Claire to teach me a bit about musky fishing. We boated 4 muskies. This musky fishing thing is a whole lot easier than i thought. Fish of 10,000 casts? More like 20 or so. Ok, i got really spoiled. They were having a sale on musky lures at Fleet Farm, and i had to buy a bigger net. I'd better not get too into this new sport, it could get expensive!
I was talking with a local pastor again today, and he had a very intriguing thought. We don't have very many really interesting writers with really good theology and sound doctrine these days. I wish Bunyan were still alive. Seriously, i think the reason C.S. Lewis is still so popular, and why McClaren and Miller have such a following today. I appreciate what men like John Piper and R.C. Sproul are writing, but it does not seem to engage and intrigue much of today's culture in the same way writing like Blue Like Jazz or Velvet Elvis has. I can see reasons why this seems to be the case, since many of the theologically-minded Christians enjoy more heavy reading and arguments and exposition. I tend to fall into that camp, but always want to find ways to engage and influence more young people in our culture with sound doctrine and good theology. How else can we know and love the one true God? How else can we learn to glorify and enjoy Him. How else do we know what we ought to believe about God and what He requires of us? If someone could write like some in the emergent movement yet build it upon sound doctrine i think we might have more of an impact on the post-modern culture and be more effective in what Mark Driscoll calls "reformission." I'll try to get my brother to convince my brother to write this stuff, i guess.


Kyle Borg said...

Ummmm...I could be wrong but I think your answer is: Mark Driscoll. Solid and "hip" enough to keep up with the Emerginglings
There's plenty of good writings out there by contemporary authors. It's interesting so many people go back to Lewis, he had horrible theology.

andy said...

Yeah, Lewis' popularity is what spawned this thought. I hear what you are saying about Driscoll, but i'm not sure he's getting anywhere near as much attention as many of the "Emerginglings" (new term?). Maybe it starts with people's preferences, and they will avoid a Driscoll book if they knew anything about him just because they want to stay in their bubble. I do the same thing with Puritans at times, but i've read McClaren and Bell and Miller, too. Almost the same thing.

Kate said...

Hey! I just read your recent blog now and I had posted something about Velvet Elvis this morning! crazy!
They should just LISTEN to Driscoll, he is SO cool. :) "I wanna be hip man!" Everyone thinks he's cool!

Kyle Borg said...

I hope you realize you've been tagged twice for the Book meme, one from me and another from Jeremy.

andy said...

What does that mean?