Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Too many goodbyes, not enough hellos

Today i got to spend some quality time fishing with one of my closest friends Josh. I realized the past few weeks that saying goodbye is one of my least favorite things to do in the whole world, and i'm not good at it. It feels like I have been saying goodbye to everybody lately, and not saying hello to anyone. Today was the last day i got to spend with Josh before he and his family get to go back to East Asia for a few years. It's good, though, because we have work to do on both sides of the world. I guess i just want to say that I'll miss you bro, and i'll try to keep praying for you every day. But even if i'm not faithful, God will be. After all, you have "the favor of the Lord!"
It seems that sometimes God calls us to things that seem a little tough, but it is a joyous thing to be in the service of the King! It's been a while since i've last listened to it, but my mind goes back to the revival hymn and Paris Reidhead preaching about God being so deserving of His reward. God willing, there are future beneficiaries of Christ's sacrifice where Josh is going and there are some in Stevens Point and there are some in La Crosse and wherever it is that you are. Let us run the race marked out for us and fight the good fight wherever it is we are called to be missionaries, for he is more than worthy. Not that we can pay God back by working for Him, but He is simply worthy, and we exist to glorify and enjoy Him.

1 comment:

Josh said...

that josh guy must have the "favor of the Lord" to have a friend like you!

was awesome hanging with you too bro. and I definitely did not out-fish you this time.

so well said about serving Him because He is worthy. if we did try to pay Him back by working for Him we would die. simply because we would have to work so hard that we would work ourselves to death. and obviously still would not be able to do enough!

you will be greatly missed as well my friend. and likewise I will lean on God's faithfulness when I fail to pray for you as I ought.

Love you brother!