Thursday, August 9, 2007

Saying hello to walleyes

I'm trying to decide if having the Wisconsin River a quarter mile from my front door is good or bad for me. It's hard to stay off the water, but so far i have been able to make myself get my work done before going out, so that's good. Today i caught 20 walleyes before i got out of sight of my truck. My fiance wants to bake fish, so i kept 2 good ones to try baking. I only bake salmon, but i'll try these 'eyes and see what happens. I guess baking fish will make me live longer or something. I told her there should be enough mercury and pcb's to make baking the fish not worthwhile. She didn't find that as amusing as i did.
I got a chance to be on campus and pray for a while this morning. It's great. I have been very impressed with the city and campus of Stevens Point. I'm excited and glad God has led to this place, even though it will take some time to get life rolling here. God is good all the time. Starting in three weeks the road trips begin again. Over the next 6 months i will be all over Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois. There's a chance i'll be driving through your neck of the woods as long as you live in the US. Things will be so busy, but there should be time to pop in and say thanks to all you who support my ministry with prayer and finances. I'm a little nervous about being a husband and being gone so much, but i'll try to get as much out of the way as possible before Dec. 1st. I guess we'll have to deal with that. I'm thankful i'm not Adoniram Judson or one of those old time missionaries who had to leave family for months at a time without phones or emails or even letters when they went on a trip. I guess we'll be able to handle a few weekends apart if need be, because He is worthy.


Josh said...

20 Walleyes? In the spot we finished at or what? Man, you're making me salivate. I know I'm not supposed to be jealous but I am. Or am I envious because you were saving them all for yourself? Haha...what's all this "Josh out-fished me" talk?

Good for you man! Hope they taste yummy. And don't worry about the mercury. "It's appointed for a man to die once..." Your day has been selected already so eat away!! :)

andy said...

Yeah, most of them came by that big rock where i got the big catfish. It was wierd, every fish was a walleye this time. Sorry, i wasn't trying to save them for myself.

Kate said...

When you're in La Crosse, will you stay at the Wenzel apartment? I know it would make your friend and my husband very happy!!!!!