Wednesday, February 20, 2008


What exactly is idolatry? This is a question that came up at a Vision Team meeting last night. We thought about it as far as scritpure goes, and what it really looks like to worship something other than God. How many images and idols do we make for ourselves as American Christians?
I am speaking on idolatry, specifically the idol of body image next week in Platteville, and need some more thought on this. How infected are we with idolatry? Owen and Spurgeon and Comfort will go so far as to say even having a crucifix or picture of Jesus is idolatry. I propose that almost anything can become an idol, whether it be our bodies or seeking approval/affection of other people or video games or television, many things can and do become idols for us. So I wonder how much idolatry the typical American Christian is enslaved to. Any thoughts?


Kyle Borg said...
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Josh Golackson said...

"American Idol" - Need I say more?

Josh Golackson said...

Ok, I'll say more b4 somebody gets all worked up cuz I ripped on their favorite show.

I just find that show's name a bit ironic. My beef is with Hollywood in general and the God-hating blasphemous garbage that is spewed out day after day. Obviously there is some good at the same time. Lindsey and I just watched "Amazing Grace" and while they could have done a better job portraying Wilberforce as a man of God and not some religious nut, it was a good movie overall.

I'm not calling for a boycott of Hollywood, just for more discernment from Christians in the things we watch and spend our time doing. I'm as guilty as anyone else. My weakness is the NFL. If the Packers just would've won the Super Bowl it would all have been justifiable...ha!

Anywho, Lickel in my opinion this is one of the bigger areas of idolatry for many American Christians.

andy said...

Thanks Josh. Nice picture, by the way. I think you're probably right. We looked at Jeroboam in men's time this morning, how he set up idols for the people to follow. The concept of the "American Dream" came up. I don't know, can money and houses and wives become idols? I think you're right, though, Hollywood is a stumbling block for many....and football, too...and hockey if you live in the Great White Nort.

Kyle Borg said...

Good thoughts. I think idolatry runs a lot deeper in our culture than what most people want to admit. Of course, that's because so many people think that idolatry means bowing down to or worshiping something. I was struck a number of years ago with the immense realization that pictures of Jesus are idolatrous, it does run deep.
And I like Josh's comment.

Josh Golackson said...

"I repent, I repent of my pursuit of America's dream
I repent, I repent of living like I deserve anything,
of my house, my fence, my kids, my wife
in our suburb where we're safe and white
I am wrong and of these things I repent"

- Derek Webb

Lickel, remember introducing this song to me when we were riding in your truck? It was probably on one of our fishing trips. I think it speaks volumes of our idolatry. But the rest of the song talks more about the heart than the outward actions. He speaks about "wearing righteousness like a disguise".

It's crazy that we always think of idolatry as the outward stuff. We are so blinded to the fact that it starts in the heart. Commandment I - no other gods before me = heart. Commandment II - no carved images = outward. Why would #2 even be needed if #1 was obeyed??

Not sure if you guys have listened to any of the "Sermon Jams" before. There's 6 different volumes and there's some awesome one. They are parts of sermons put to beats. Piper, Ravi, Alistair Begg, Paul Washer are just a few. If you click on this link you can download them. In volume 6 there is one called "Legalism" by Tony Evans. Just got done listening to it and I think it really relates to what we're discussing.

It's easy to point the finger at TV or movie watching and just tell people to stop doing it. I'm not trying to lay down rules based on my convictions but talk about the practical dangers. It's a hard subject to approach sometimes because of people's different convictions. I think we need to address potential issues of idolatry so that people are aware of the dangers, but not say, "All Christians should (fill in the blank)" or "You're a worse sinner than me because you (fill in the blank)".

Anywho, complicated topic but necessary to understand how to follow Christ more fully!

Anonymous said...

I've always thought of idolatry as a matter of fashioning God into an image we feel most comfortable with, and so we have a god without wrath, or a god who is like an invisible friend- someone we just like to hang around, but doesn't expect too much of us. The true God is holy and commands our obedience. He is to be loved and worshipped in and through the light of His revelation. Anything else is an idolatrous fabrication. Other kinds of "idols" are really distractions that substitute time spent with God with time spent elsewhere. Whether or not such a thing is actually idolatrous is debatable, and may vary from person to person.