Friday, October 12, 2007


So many people fish up here, i am seriously thinking about making this a musky fishing blog and sharing the gospel instead of a gospel sharing blog where i write about musky fishing-it might be more effective. Anyway, got 2 more with my friend Tom this morning, making 17 fish on the year. Lost 2 as well, with another hook malfunction and a line malfunction.
I've been wondering how in the world Joanna and i are going to make it financially this year. I would really love to pay off her college loans and be above water with things before we are married, but it didn't look like that was going to happen. God is always watching out for us, though. We received over $3000 in the mail this week, and that will help a ton. I can't believe how much God blesses us with everything, even when we definitely don't deserve it and sometimes don't really feel a need for it. Thanks be to God, the giver of all good things!

1 comment:

Kyle Borg said...

Well if you are wondering how you are going to get by, go read some of this stuff, he's got an answer:
It's really some sick stuff.