Monday, September 10, 2007

Gospel Objectivity

Last Friday some good friends from church and i went downtown to give away hot dogs and talk to people about the free gift of grace from God through Jesus. It was a good time, but i became more and more concerned as we talked to more people. An alarming percentage of the people we talked to thought it was great that we believed in Jesus for our salvation. They found it so important to believe in something but "Jesus is different for different people." What!? That makes me want to puke. The saving acts of Jesus have all taken place apart from us and are in no way dependent upon our belief or disbelief. I just got done giving a talk to IV based mostly on 2 Timothy 2:8. There is definitely one particular Jesus that Paul is talking about in his gospel, the one risen from the dead, the offspring of David. "But if even we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." Galations 1:8. I said that it's like we create an imaginary friend that we trust our eternal souls with. Joanna said "I hope we are not content putting that kind of trust in a product of our own imagination." She's great. It is good that many people today feel a need for faith in something greater than ourselves, but concerning that we make up the "greater thing" on our own. I don't get it. Please turn to Jesus, the One "risen from the dead, the offspring of David," and not a Jesus of your own contrivance. Somehow God seems to have used my little talk at IV tonight, and more people are being brought into the family of God. I pray that He would continue to gather His elect here in Stevens Point. I'm so thankful He is faithful, even when we are faithless.
In other news, caught 67 walleye last night. It's getting colder, so i think the fishing, expecially for muskies, will actually pick up a bit. We'll see!

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