Monday, March 31, 2008

scary stories

One time i was downtown with some friends and we were trying to get into what we called "spiritual conversations" with people- talking about the excellencies of God and sharing His gospel. We talked with a guy who went off on us for 15 minutes about how the Catholic Church was the only church instituted by Jesus and the rest are all cults. It was awesome, i'd never seen anyone so adamant about this. There was no reasoning with him.
Smoetimes i enjoy sharing horror stories about sharing Christ with people. The truth is, it doesn't always go that well and it isn't always our fault. We shouldn't be scared to share with others the hope that we have just because it didn't go well once before. Does anybody out there have any scary stories about evangelism? I'd love to hear them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one time i got talking to a guy and thought it would be great to share christ with him... well he kept interrupting me and then yelling at me for not being quiet and listening to him. he said i should give him the proper respect because he was my elder and i was a woman. he then tried to convert me to buddhism through his drunk breath. he wouldn't really let me say anything, so i just listened. in his attempts to convert me he almost started crying, and then we awkwardly parted ways. i wouldn't call it a "horror" story but it definitely was unexpected.
